Earnings Statements

The earnings statements for Bmg shares for the base year 2024 is available exclusively in digital format on the channels of Itaú Unibanco S.A. (bookkeeper of Banco Bmg shares) at the following access points:

Account holder: available on bankline as follows:

  • Directly via the website www.itau.com.br, Checking Account menu > Income Tax Declaration > Shareholder Earnings Statements.
  • Uniclass: directly through the website www.itau.com.br, on the Checking Account menu choose the magnifying glass icon, insert IR — inform access token, select the year.

For non-account holder: available on the Digital Correspondence Website of Itaú Unibanco S.A.

How do I make my first access to the Digital Correspondence Website of Itaú Unibanco S.A.?

1. Go to correspondenciasdigitais.com.br/login, click on First Access;

2. Enter your CPF number and date of birth (Individual) or CNPJ and date of foundation (Legal Entity), then enter the security characters;

3. Choose the option to verify your identity (phone number or e-mail). If you can’t find your phone number or e-mail address, call 0800 720 5299 (Customer Service Center available exclusively during the Earnings Statements declaration period) or the Investor Service Center on 3003 9285 (capitals and metropolitan areas) / 0800 720 9285 (other locations) on working days, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.;

4. Enter the code you received by e-mail and/or telephone and create your personal password;

5. Now all you have to do is enter your CPF/CNPJ and the new password to access your documents. The Income Reports will be available in “my reports” – folder “2025.”

If you have forgotten your password, follow the procedures described in the Correspondence Web page by clicking on the “Forgot password” option.